Home Dying 4 year old holding grandma's hand while crossing the street is run over by a taxicab. Driver jailed. 6 years ago 6 years agoDying hate4 year old holding grandma’s hand while crossing the street is run over by a taxicab. Driver jailed. by CG 6 years ago6 years ago1015.7kviews 11 10https://seegore.com/wp-content/uploads/2019/01/4-year-old-holding-grandmas-hand-while-crossing-the-street-is-run-over-by-a-taxicab.-Driver-jailed..mp4 3.1 7 votesArticle RatingPost PaginationPrevious PostPreviousNext PostNextchild, taxicabLike it? Share with your friends! 11 10What's Your Reaction? omg 8 omg scary 1 scary vomit 1 vomit sad 9 sad angry 1 angry cry 1 cry hate 46 hate confused 3 confused win 8 win Subscribe LoginNotify of new follow-up commentsnew replies to my comments I allow to use my email address and send notification about new comments and replies (you can unsubscribe at any time). Please login to comment 10 Comments Oldest Newest Most Voted Inline FeedbacksView all comments K fign Guest 3 years agoI like dark humors but, HOLY FUCK! squalltheonly Guest 3 years agoWhich direction is the traffic going on that road? At the beginning there was a car coming out of there. John Guest 3 years agoProbably cause yous is a dirty, smelly, ape’ish, monkey’ish and stupid nag-gra!! Lynn Guest Reply to John 3 years agoBlack people are scientifically more homosapien human that some whites. Fact. The brbros Guest 3 years agoJust a normal day in china Your grans ashes Guest 3 years agoCrunch jack Guest 3 years agobro drop the 2014 edgelord phase you’re not special MotherFucker Guest 2 years agoi agree with this video i like when i see kids get raped, fucked, killed, abused etc Fortnitehunter39 Guest 2 years agogg guys look he cant use a stun Hanza6161_Discord Guest 1 year agose fudeu. Previous Post Man gets stomped to death by an elephant by CG Next Post 3 in a three-wheeler are killed when T-boned by a... by CG
I like dark humors but,
Which direction is the traffic going on that road? At the beginning there was a car coming out of there.
Probably cause yous is a dirty, smelly, ape’ish, monkey’ish and stupid nag-gra!!
Black people are scientifically more homosapien human that some whites. Fact.
Just a normal day in china
bro drop the 2014 edgelord phase you’re not special
i agree with this video i like when i see kids get raped, fucked, killed, abused etc
gg guys look he cant use a stun
se fudeu.