This accident is such an epic event. A truck loses brake control and started to crash into cars that were stopping by the traffic light. A guy in white on bicycle tried to get away but got hit hard by lamp pole and got dragged and burned.
This accident is such an epic event. A truck loses brake control and started to crash into cars that were stopping by the traffic light. A guy in white on bicycle tried to get away but got hit hard by lamp pole and got dragged and burned.
LUCK -100
Roulette spinner
I can’t stop laughing ahahahahahahaha
me too
ok i mean i saw better clips to laugh but ok…
You’re a psycho,,laughin at people got killed..hopin it will happen to you too..
fuck you you dumbass bitch why you even on this sight if you say that shit
Bitch ass of course we are here to see dead people but not to laugh at them you sick fuck
when you get crushed we’ll see who’s going to laugh people are dead have to make an appointment with a doctor
Omg im not disapointed, this is the most random bullshit gore ive seen and i cant stop laughing
Death has a plan, and you can’t fuck with it!
It’s crazy who gets to live who gets to die. ?The biker was killed by the light pole. Had another biker no more then 6 feet away from him and not get touched.
I can only confirm 2 deaths, with the highest amount of possible deaths being 6, the biker and the person in the white car, but 6 if there were people in every seat in the car
Sorry, I forgot 2 more, on a motor bike, they were the first dead, crushed to death
At the verry beginning people a crossing the street and already made it to the left side… then the truck pushes a smaller truck and crushes them. This clip is absolutely nuts!
shouldn’t have skipped leg day
The guy at 08:00 barely made it.
Wrong droection for the bikers
My guy thought he was gonna get away. Holy shit
Wow that dude trying to outrun the whole accident on his bike got fucking mauled by that traffic light
The man on the bike 😰
Pk personne ne s’arrête pour les aider
But when animal dies everyone loses their minds lmao at animal lover snowflakes 😂
not bad still the best one has sadly been removed if any one vind a vid containing a chinese/japanese beeing crunched to death after trying to catch a suiciding women who jumped from the 17th floor send me please. hardest lough i have had in ages