Im a muslim and that dosent mean im a terrorist but if a muslim did what those mother fuckers did is going to hell and will get a worst punishment from god so instead of saying fuck muslims go do something that pleases god
öyle deme kanka bir sürü müslüman türk askeri var ve bu iki şehidimizin ruhu şaad olsun keşke atamız 1938 de vefat etmeseydi belkide 2 3 yıl daha yaşasaydı islam diye kuduran ama müslüman olmayan şerefsizlerin köküne kazınmasında büyük rol oynardı 🙁
The worst dead way i ever seen,so sad….fuck you isis
3 years ago
How coincidental…the men are in flames because the faggot god the Muslims worship is a flaming homo…clever….gay, but clever. Muhammad eats cum…dudes cum. When one of these little dicks blows himself up he goes straight to Muhammad and Allah’s bed and fucks them in the butthole lol
Fuck you muslims. all muslims terrorist.
Im a muslim and that dosent mean im a terrorist but if a muslim did what those mother fuckers did is going to hell and will get a worst punishment from god so instead of saying fuck muslims go do something that pleases god
Turk be helal
ulan yarrak kafalı türkleri yakıyorlar arap orospu çocukları
The faggot you worship gulps men’s semen for breakfast 😆
öyle deme kanka bir sürü müslüman türk askeri var ve bu iki şehidimizin ruhu şaad olsun keşke atamız 1938 de vefat etmeseydi belkide 2 3 yıl daha yaşasaydı islam diye kuduran ama müslüman olmayan şerefsizlerin köküne kazınmasında büyük rol oynardı 🙁
cCc Ananı CengizHan siksin piiiic Atana koyummm
Fuck U!! ISIS Devillll!!!!!
The worst dead way i ever seen,so sad….fuck you isis
How coincidental…the men are in flames because the faggot god the Muslims worship is a flaming homo…clever….gay, but clever. Muhammad eats cum…dudes cum. When one of these little dicks blows himself up he goes straight to Muhammad and Allah’s bed and fucks them in the butthole lol
You said butt hole,.,., I’m dying 🤣
I masturbated to this
Fuck all Isis .. Taliban .. Al-Qaida people …
All this ISIS Motherfuckers must be killed and wiped out.