A tragic incident occurred in La Paz, Bolivia, on October 15, 2024, where a young teacher training student named Kamila Zanga, 23, was murdered during a class at the Escuela Superior de Maestros in Caranavi. Kamila, originally from Palos Blancos, had been studying at the Simón BolÃvar Normal School and lived alone in Caranavi.
Her ex-partner and fellow classmate, identified as Marcos, launched a brutal attack in front of other students, repeatedly stabbing Kamila. Horrified classmates recorded the event and tried to intervene, but the situation quickly escalated out of control. Despite her efforts to defend herself, Kamila succumbed to her injuries before she could be transferred to the hospital.
The attacker also sustained a self-inflicted injury to his leg and was arrested by police at the scene. Authorities are investigating the case as a femicide, and Kamila’s body will be sent to the morgue in Coroico or La Paz for further examination.