[Uncensored] Moscow Crocus City Hall attack


MOSCOW – On March 22, 2024, a tragic incident unfolded at Moscow’s Crocus City Hall when four gunmen opened fire, resulting in a devastating loss of life. As of the latest report, the death toll stands at 115, including five children, with an additional 145 individuals sustaining injuries in the attack.

Authorities have since detained 11 individuals, including all four gunmen involved in the shooting. While ISIS has claimed responsibility for the attack, no concrete evidence has been provided to substantiate their claim. It’s worth noting that ISIS has made false claims in the past, casting doubt on their assertion regarding this incident.

The gunmen reportedly used fully automated weapons, including a rare early variant (Gen 1) AK-12 rifle. This particular weapon is typically only utilized by countries such as Russia, Belarus, Kazakhstan, Armenia, and Qatar. The rarity of this firearm raises questions about how the attackers obtained such weaponry, as access to it would likely be restricted outside of official channels.

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Reply to  CG
1 month ago

Thanks for your work! 👌😉

1 month ago

They filmed it because they knew that the camera man never dies.

Last edited 1 month ago by Nik
1 month ago

Yet another terrorist attack done by these Islamic state fuckheads, rest in peace for the people killed. Hopefully one day Islamic state will finally dissolve and all their members face the consequences, Islamic state are fake Muslim’s that are a complete bastardisation of religion. Hopefully the Islamic state members burn in hell one day.

Last edited 1 month ago by Arkar
1 month ago

these neygaas really want ww3☠️🤫🧏‍♂️

1 month ago

“Remember, no russian”

gay dude
gay dude
1 month ago

I have seen the videos of the tortured IS members by the Russian government, and I just have to say I don’t think the four convicts or IS itself expected that tortured like that would be a part of the consequences! My theory is that IS members have gotten so used to planning terrorist attacks in many western countries where the police aren’t corrupt and sadistic. So in the end, they kind of assumed that, at worst, it would only result in a long jail time and maybe a smack on the bottom. Instead, their members got their ears sliced… Read more »

gay dude
gay dude
Reply to  gay dude
1 month ago

And for those who say they are innocent, that is sadly a possibility…. And it is also sadly a fact that many innocent will be punished for this crime. However, do note that IS have published body-cam footage of the attack, so it is confirmed they are behind it. And they also published a picture of the four accused and they wear the same clothes and markings as the accused in the video. In the end, it might have been an inside job. Russia is big and corrupt. I don’t have a problem believing that IS has infiltrated a branch… Read more »

gay dude
gay dude
Reply to  gay dude
1 month ago

Lastly, I rather not post sources since I’m not sure if posting links breaks the rules of seegore. But they can be found with a bit of duckduckgo and telegram searches.

Last edited 1 month ago by gay dude
21 days ago

Russian people do not deserve this. Makes me sick to my stomach.

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