On Monday, April 8 2023, in Manaus, Brazil, a shocking video surfaced showing a student attacking a classmate at Dom Jacson Damasceno Rodrigues Municipal School. During a science project presentation, one student suddenly walked up to another, pulled out a pen, and started hitting her on the face, neck, and back. Other students tried to stop him as screams filled the room.
The attack seems to have been sparked by the victim laughing at the attacker’s mistake during the presentation. The 14-year-old aggressor was detained by school staff and later taken by police. He now faces charges similar to attempted homicide and will be handled by the juvenile court.
Next time don’t laugh😑
I support the fucker with the pen.
Usually id support them but they didn’t do it quite right. I was looking forward to this video hoping for more blood maybe even a splatter so I could really savor the pain but unfortunately he must not have been able to puncture the blood vessels or the internal jugular veins so the normal splatter you would get like out of a gun or a knife didnt happen, also to make it more enjoyable he could have snapped the pen inside so she would have gone through more pain (if he punctured skin).
It was pretty bad though
The hoe deserved it and I wish the people didn’t helped her.
i love these kind of soft gore videos
La domon xd
I don’t think the stabbing was necessary though. He took it a lil bit personal.
I hope that little bitch learned a valuable lesson – Your actions have repercussions. She chose to laugh at someone else and paid for it. She should be grateful to still be alive.
you laugh you lose (extreme edition)
Lowkey based